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Basic Settings

You can view all the settings Starboard has to offer with the following command:

/settings view

The command to change a setting will be found in the corresponding category the setting is listed in. For example, the command to change Self Stars (found in the Filtering category), is /settings edit filtering.

Try having a look through all the /settings edit sub-commands and their options to quickly find settings you might want to set. Starboard has a few basic settings that you’ll most likely want to know about:


Starboard is the most important setting — this is where all starred messages go.

/settings edit main starboard #starboard

Required Stars

Required Stars, as the name implies, is the amount of stars a message has to gain before being posted to your starboard channel.

/settings edit main required-stars 5

By default, your starboard will require 3 stars.

Required Stars To Remove

Alongside the previous setting, Required Stars To Remove dictates the number of stars a starboard message must fall to before being removed from the starboard.

/settings edit main required-stars-to-remove 3

By default, messages will be removed if they fall to 2 stars.


The Emojis setting is the emojis that can be used to add stars to messages — a message needs [Required Stars] many reactions of these emojis to reach the starboard.

/settings edit main emojis ⭐ 🍣

By default, you can have up to 2 emojis. You can have up to 10 with Starboard Premium .

Self Stars

When Self Stars is disabled, users won’t be allowed to star their own messages.

/settings edit filtering self-stars False

This is disabled by default.

Remove Invalid Reactions

As the name implies, enabling this setting causes invalid reactions to be removed, instead of just being ignored.

/settings edit filtering remove-invalid-reactions False

Invalid reactions include:

  • reacting on your own message when Self Stars is disabled
  • reactions by blacklisted users
  • reacting to a message sent by a user that is blacklisted
  • reacting on a bot’s message when Filter Bots is enabled
  • reactions in a blacklisted channel
  • reacting to a message that doesn’t pass message filters

This is enabled by default.